Chicago-Kent at 2018 AALL National Conference

This year, three of our librarians travelled to Baltimore, MD to attend the annual meeting and conference for the American Association of Law Libraries on July 14 – July 17, where they helped organize conference sessions, evaluated research tools, and more.

At the conference, Professor Lori Andrews was honored with the “2018 AALL Spectrum Article of the Year” award. Continue reading

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How can HeinOnline help me with my legal research?

HeinOnline is a database that contains searchable, full-text PDFs of over 2,500 legal journal titles, the Congressional Record, state historical statutes, Restatements, and many other legal research resources.

Here is a link to HeinOnline.

You can also access it by going to Chicago-Kent College of Law Library’s homepage and following these steps:

  • In the pale gray box in the center of the page, go to the third drop-down menu, labeled “Top Resources.” (Please see the yellow arrow in the photo below for the location.)

  • Click on the arrow to the right of the words, “Top Resources,” to open the drop-down menu.
  • Select HeinOnline.
  • This will take you to HeinOnline. When off-campus, you will log in using your myIIT username and password. This is the only way to access HeinOnline off-campus.

Tip: When off-campus, if you type into your web browser, you will not be asked to log in using your myIIT username and password and will not have access to HeinOnline’s resources.

Once logged in, you will see the following home screen:

You can browse Hein’s databases either by category or by name. You can also search all of the databases simultaneously, or select a specific database within which to search.

Clicking on the small, round “i” next to each database’s name will give you information about its contents.

With what aspects of legal research can HeinOnline assist you? Here are some examples of the great resources that HeinOnline has to offer law students:

  • Cite-checking via the Law Journal Library and other databases
  • Research for seminar papers via the Law Journal Library
  • Preparation for moot court competitions, such as via the Philip C. Jessup Library of International Law
  • Keeping up with current events, such as via the History of Supreme Court Nominations database (1977 – present) and the Women and the Law (Peggy) database
  • Class preparation such as via the U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library and the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure

Happy researching! If you have any questions about using HeinOnline, please contact the Chicago-Kent Law Library’s Reference Team.

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News you can use – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Chronicle of Higher Education Logo Spring 2018

The Chronicle of Higher Education is one of the best sources for the latest higher education news and information, as well as academic career information. We offer online access to past and current issues, through the IIT main campus library.

Personalized Email News

You can read Chronicle articles from anywhere on campus.  If you’d like, you can also sign up for the Chronicle’s email newsletters.  These include:

  • The Academy Today – morning headlines
  • Afternoon Update – the latest headlines delivered each afternoon
  • Weekly Briefing – a summary of each week’s news, delivered on Fridays
  • Breaking News Extra – alerts
  • Re:Learning – A weekly newsletter about the latest educational information
  • Graduate Students-  a weekly newsletter with news and advice for graduate students
  • Teaching – insights and new classroom techniques

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CALI Conference 2018 (Updated with Video!)

Chicago-Kent librarians will be traveling to speak at the 2018 annual CALI conference this week in Washington DC. Follow along online via twitter at the #CALIcon18 hashtag if you want to join the conversation remotely!

Debbie and Emily will be co-presenting a talk titled “60 Tips in 60 Minutes for Law School Techies: The CALI Edition” on Friday at 2:30pm EDT (1:30pm CDT)

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2018 Summer and Post-Grad Access to Westlaw, Lexis & Bloomberg

Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg Logos


Can you access your Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg accounts over the summer?  What about after graduation?  The answer to both is yes, but with some restrictions for Westlaw and for graduates.  See below for more information.

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Student Organization Services

Did you know the library offers services for our student organizations that range from event photography to hosting the law review and other journals?

With new leadership coming on board at the end of the semester, here are a few of the ways we help our student organizations and journals throughout the year:

Student Organization Websites

Emily Barney

Emily Barney

Student organization websites are managed through a WordPress platform hosted and supported by the library. I am the primary contact for website questions – email me here if you have any questions: Emily Barney.

I can share access to these WordPress Sites, training materials, branding and content strategies via email or in person, on request – I like to be flexible to meet students’ needs. Continue reading

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Inspiration for Your Oral Arguments

As the 1Ls deliver their oral arguments this weekend as part of the Charles-Evans Hughes Moot Court Competition, they may draw inspiration from the words of attorney Clarence Darrow, arguably one of the greatest orators of the 20th Century. 94 years ago this August, Darrow delivered “perhaps the most eloquent argument ever made against the death penalty” in defense of 18 year-old Richard Loeb and 19 year-old Nathan Leopold, Jr. (“Commentary: The original ‘affluenza’ case: Leopold and Loeb,” Chicago Tribune, March 31, 2016).

Loeb and Leopold, who had pleaded guilty to kidnapping and murdering 14 year-old Bobby Franks the previous May, faced the possibility of the death penalty. The offspring of wealthy men, Leopold and Loeb, who had committed a “senseless” crime that shocked the country, demonstrated a courtroom demeanor that did not awaken sympathy to their causes (“Commentary,” Chicago Tribune). Darrow’s thoughtful eloquence, however, succeeded in persuading Judge John Caverly to spare their lives. Instead, Judge Caverly sentenced the defendants to life in prison plus 99 years (“Leopold and Loeb’s Criminal Minds,” Smithsonian Magazine, August 2008).

If you would like to read Darrow’s own prose, Chicago-Kent Law Library has some books that you may want to look at. Some examples are:

Closing arguments : Clarence Darrow on religion, law, and society, by Clarence Darrow and S. T. Joshi.

Attorney for the Damned: Clarence Darrow in the Courtroom, edited by Arthur Weinberg.

Best of luck on those oral arguments!

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Help with Formatting Your Appellate Brief

Word 2016Need some help formatting your appellate brief?  Debbie Ginsberg is around during the day all this week – stop by or make an appointment for any questions you have.

Below, you’ll find information about your template, our online guide, and help with Tables of Authorities.

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Coming Up: ABA Techshow 2018 (Mar. 7-10)

Dan Katz promo for the ABA TechshowAre you looking for a quick way to get up to speed on the latest legal technology?  ABA hosts an annual Techshow in Chicago that provides one of the best opportunities for students to engage with emerging legal technologies hands on.  The Techshow runs from March 7 – 10 at Hyatt Regency Chicago.  The conference will feature dozens of one-hour sessions on all kinds of legal technologies – from practical tips for using Microsoft Office, to digital security, to favorite websites and mobile apps.

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Secure Your Logins: Password Managers and Two-Factor Authentication

Can you completely protect yourself from being hacked? I’m afraid not, but developing a couple of basic security habits around your passwords and logins can add a powerful layer of protection.  Continue reading

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