A More Perfect Union
Second Annual Racial Justice Writing Competition – 2022
Sponsored by the Chicago-Kent Law Library
As pledged in the 2020 Faculty Antiracism Statement, Chicago-Kent College of Law
presents the second annual writing competition to encourage and honor excellent
student scholarship on racial justice. The Law Library is excited to be the new sponsor
of this writing competition.
Papers on any topic related to racial justice may be submitted for consideration.
Any current Chicago-Kent student may submit a paper written inside or outside of class
on a racial justice topic. Entries may be either individually or jointly authored, and must be the author(s)’ own work. Papers should explain the issue or thesis well; be well-organized, creative, and persuasive; and be well written. There is no page limit for entries.
The winning entry will receive a $1,000 cash prize. The prize money will be equally divided among authors if the winning entry is a jointly authored paper. In addition, the winning submission will be published on the Chicago-Kent Diversity webpage.
The submissions will be judged anonymously by a panel of Chicago-Kent faculty.
Please email your submission to Jayde Rose, Faculty Scholarship Academic Assistant, at
Submissions will be accepted until midnight CDT, June 1, 2022. Judging will be complete and the award announced by July 1, 2022.