This summer we rearranged our library space on the 6th and 7th floors to make room for the IIT Institute of Design. We’ve been looking forward to learning more from ID as we welcome them to our campus, and learning how their discipline offers unique insights into a changing world.
Design thinking was also a major theme at this year’s national AALL Meeting in Chicago, from the keynote presentation by Will Evans to the Chicago Public Library sessions describing how they’ve applied this type of research and practice to create new services and initiatives.
ID Open House 2016
Last Tuesday, ID offered their first open house at the Graduate Campus, giving history of the school, an alum’s overview of his career path, and highlights from recent academic research and student projects. See more details in the photo album below by clicking on any photo.
Assistant Dean Hugh Musik described the beginnings of ID from the initial Bauhaus school in Germany from 1919-1933, when it was closed due to opposition from the Nazi party. László Moholy-Nagy came to Chicago in 1937 to found the “New Bauhaus,” the original name of the Institute of Design. A new Art Institute of Chicago exhibit on Nagy will open on October 2: Moholy-Nagy: Future Present
Musick described the transitions through the years as the school looked for ways to prepare students to tackle increasingly complicated questions and work with a wide variety of corporations and organizations to identify strategies that meet needs successfully. You can also find an interactive timeline of leadership & curriculum foci on the Institute of Design website
Military strategists call today's world VUCA: volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous. How should we design tomorrow? #designschool
— Institute of Design (ID) (@IITDesign) August 16, 2016
![Andrea Everman Showing how an augmented relatity education tool could be used to build prototyping experiments into classroom curriculum](
![Tirdad Kiamanesh An autonomous robot designed to explore large buildings and collect information about structural and environmental issues using existing mobile apps with a phone on a selfie-stick. The robot is designed to utilize open-source tools as much as possible to allow for further development and broader applications with a wide range of users.](
Design Thinking for Law Librarians
Will Evans gave this keynote talk at AALL 2016 national meeting of law librarians, discussing how design thinking could be applied to law libraries and the legal industry:
New Models of Purpose-Driven Exploration in Knowledge Work
The Chicago Public Library then demonstrated how this type of model has been applied locally within their system as they evaluated existing programs and experimented with new services. We don’t have their slides online, but I did live-tweet their events:
Why do #designthinking? For internal & external goals: strategy, collaboration/connections, engagement & loyalty #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
Human centered design: start w/ your people, keep them at the center, never out of your mind- photos posted for visual reinforcement #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
Patrons not using English-learning spaces, so @chipublib team went to Chinese market to find things – exercise to build empathy #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
UX madlib: How might we (do something) to (fulfill need ) for (group of patrons)? #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
Research methods: User interviews / Expert interviews – different insights from each, immersive experience too for personal empathy #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
People may have v. creative alternate solutions: woman had no problem w/ pill bottles – Why? she had a hammer! #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
Need time to reflect! Move from researched ambiguity to ideation stage as you make sense w/ storytelling> finding themes> prototypes #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
#UserExperience iteration = experiments, feedback, refining – not linear! 1st idea not always best, keep building & testing #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
Scaling? Evaluate, share, measure against goals. Make it look polished, not experimental. Success = feasible + viable + desirable #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
#designthinking gives a process to move forward – not just unbound brainstorming / creativity – w/ key focus on user feedback #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
Key for useful feedback: look for internal skeptics & champions. Share research w/ skeptics & keep iterating to build buy-in #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
Empathy map: listening closely to learn values & behaviors – think vs. say, feel vs. do (example: gym membership & attendance) #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
"Super users" who don't need assistance are a great resource to interview & learn their strategies #AALL16
— EBarney (@EBarney) July 19, 2016
The Chicago Public Library materials have been organized into a toolkit for other libraries in the website “Design Thinking for Libraries,” funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation and created in collaboration with IDEO and the Aarhus Public Libraries in Denmark.