Hubert Zanczak enjoys challenges: in the classroom, in conversations, and in his leadership roles with our student organizations. Learn what drew him to the legal profession and about the courses at Chicago-Kent that helped him envision the role he wants to play in protecting data privacy.
Student Profile
- Class year: 2020
- Division: Full-time day
- Hometown: Siemirowice, Poland
- Academic Background: B.A. in Economics and Finance from North Central College
- Social media: LinkedIn
What drew you to the legal profession & law school?
In college, I was fortunate enough to get a job as an assistant in a small law office. At the time I thought I might be interested in law but really knew nothing about what it actually means to be a lawyer. Through that experience, I learned what it takes to practice law and fell in love with it.
What appeals most to me about being a lawyer is the constant intellectual challenge together with the ability to advocate on behalf of someone in need.
At Chicago-Kent:
- Teaching Assistant for Professor Bailey’s Criminal Law, Fall 2018
- Summer Research Assistant for Professor Schmidt, May-August 2018
- Lexis Associate
- Self Help Web Center
- Law Clerk, Krislov & Associates
- Law Clerk, Calvo Law Offices
Do you have a favorite professor or class that has confirmed or changed your goals about studying law? If so, how?
My favorite professor, Professor Reilly, also happened to teach my favorite class, Civil Procedure. But the class that really changed my view of the law was Contracts. I came into law school expecting the law to be this tough, rigid set of rules. But contracts was all about determining the fair and just outcome and creating default rules that make sense in real life. Certainly not what I expected, and I am very glad that I was wrong in my expectations.
Are you focusing your studies on a particular area of law?
I am focusing on data privacy. I always liked technology but did not want to pursue a career in it. I was able to take the Cyber Security and Data Privacy class in the spring semester of my 1L year and discovered that data privacy combines technology and law. My goal is to be at the forefront of data privacy litigation and ultimately work on data privacy policy.
Technology is all around us, and it makes our lives better, safer, and more efficient. But sadly, as a society, we have ignored the privacy implications of the next best app or best phone. And I would like to play a role in defining what the proper boundaries should be when it comes to recognizing privacy rights in our data.
Student Leadership
- Cyber Security and Data Privacy Society (CSDPS) – 2018-2019 VP
- American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACSLP) – 2018-2019 VP of Finance
- Federalist Society – 2018-2019 External VP, 2017-2018 1L Representative
- Chicago-Kent Law Review – Junior Associate 2018-2019
- Moot Court Honors Society – Junior Member 2018-2019
- Chicago-Kent Student Advocate

What made you want to get involved in these roles?
I knew that I wanted to make the most of my law school experience, and that means getting involved beyond the classroom. So my first year I sought out the organizations that aligned with my interests, but I also did not want to be pigeon-holed in terms of my views.

This is why I joined both the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy and the Federalist Society. I care deeply about fundamental constitutional issues, but I also know that the best way to learn and grow is to be challenged in your views and surrounded by people who do not necessarily agree with you. This allowed me to learn more about the issues that I care about and to understand both sides of those issues.
Beyond Law School
What are some skills or interests people might not guess about you?
I gave a TED talk in undergrad about talking to strangers.
What do you do to relax outside of school?
I like to experiment with coffee (I managed to talk my wife into putting an espresso machine on our wedding registry) and take my 2-year-old black lab, Marley, on long walks and chase the squirrels together.
What is your favorite way to enjoy Chicago?
I love trying out different independent cafes around town and getting into deep conversations with strangers I meet.