Tech you should know: Word 2016 for Mac

Word 2016 for MacAs you start to gear up for your law school writing assignments, you may have noticed a new tool you can use – Word 2016 for the Mac.  Introduced in July as part of Microsoft’s Office 2016 for Mac suite, this new version includes features like:

  • New ribbon tabs: The new version features a Design tab for easier access to design tools, and a References tab to quickly access features like tables of contents, tables of authorities, and cross references.
  • Improved navigation pane:  It includes tools to move from page to page or to any section heading.
  • Style pane: Easily change the style of any part of your document with a convenient tool set on the right side of the screen.
New tabs in the Word 2016 ribbon

New tabs in the Word 2016 ribbon

Word 2016 for Mac looks a lot like Word 2013 for Windows, as well as Word for iPad and Word Online.  It is now much easier to transition between platforms – you don’t need to completely relearn Word every time you use a different device.  You can even use the “control” key for your favorite keyboard shortcuts if you forget to use Apple’s “command” key.  If you’d like to learn more, check out Microsoft’s help guide.

So has Microsoft forgotten about its Windows users?  Not at all — Office 2016 for Windows will be released on September 22.

If you’re running an older version of Word and would like to upgrade, you can download the latest versions from ITS (Mac users, you’ll need a newer version of the Mac operating system to run Office 2016 – Mavericks or higher).

About Debbie Ginsberg

Debbie was the Educational Technology Librarian at the Chicago-Kent College of Law until she left for a new job in 2021
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3 Responses to Tech you should know: Word 2016 for Mac

  1. nice content, I like this article

  2. Nunez says:

    Thank you for writing this article

  3. arza says:

    Nice Article, Thank you so much

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