Author: WordPress Admin
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Cert Granted in Lozman v. City of Riviera Beach: Section 1983 First Amendment Retaliatory Arrest Claims & Probable Cause
Prof. Shapiro: “Gerrymandering the Constitution: More than statehouse politics at risk”

How Judge Posner Made Me a Better Lawyer
Financial CHOICE Act v. 2: Reducing Protections Against Systemic Risk
Whistleblowing Update: Tone Deaf at the Top and Regulatory Lapses
Governor Tarullo’s Departure Will Create a Vacuum in Bank Regulation: How Big Will it Be?
Faculty Commentary, Presidential Transition
Dean Krent: Thoughts on the February 7 Ninth Circuit Oral Argument on the Immigration Executive Order
Faculty Commentary, Presidential Transition
Before the Gorsuch Hearings: Originalism and Textualism Hide Ideological Judgments Behind Claims of Objectivity
Faculty Commentary, Multimedia, Presidential Transition