Professor Shapiro On A Double Standard In The Court

This blockbuster week of Supreme Court decisions brought us two particular rulings of note. In her blog post, ISCOTUS Director and Chicago-Kent College of Law Professor Carolyn Shapiro examines the opinions in cases with a similar result of less federal oversight, but opposite ideological majorities of Justices.

The cases: Shelby County v. Holder (Voting Rights Act) and US v. Windsor (DOMA).

Click here to read Professor Shapiro’s post: “Democratic legitimacy, Shelby County, and DOMA.”

Carolyn Shapiro On This Week’s Title VII Rulings

ISCOTUS Director and Chicago-Kent Professor Carolyn Shapiro writes on this week’s rulings in her blog post “More Pro-Business Decisions at the Supreme Court.”

The decisions she refers to are Vance v. Ball State University and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, which both found in favor of employers in workplace discrimination cases.

Professor Shapiro wrote last week on the decision in American Express v. Italian Colors Restaurant and the Roberts Court’s pro-business attitude.

ISCOTUS Director Carolyn Shapiro on American Express

Yesterday’s decision in American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant was not widely publicized, nor was it one of the most anticipated decisions of the Term. But it has profound effects on the legal and business world.

ISCOTUS Director Carolyn Shapiro argues against the Court’s finding in the Chicago-Kent Faculty Blog. Click here to read her explanation and denunciation of the decision in “Arbitration uber alles in the Supreme Court.”

What Are They Doing? Why Does It Take So Long?

As we all wait for decisions in this Term’s major cases, people may wonder what is taking so long and why the big cases are so often the last cases to be announced. The short answer is that the big cases are also those in which there is most likely to be fairly strong disagreement among the justices, meaning that there are likely to be multiple opinions — and when that happens, the process can take some time. Here’s a quick primer on what happens:

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