Jason Reinecke, Marquette University Law School, Our More-than-Twenty-Year Patent TermAmanda Levendowski, Georgetown Law Center, Open Source Perfume Mark D. Janis, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Design Patent Infringement as Unfair Competition Cathay Smith, University of Montana Blewett School of Law, Rewriting History: Copyright, Free Speech, & Reimagining Classic Works Oren Bracha, The University of Texas School of Law, The Work of Copyright in the Age of Machine Production Sonia Katyal, Berkeley Law School, Indigenous Misdescription

2024 Chicago IP Colloquium Speakers

Chicago-Kent College of Law and Loyola University Chicago School of Law jointly sponsor and host the Chicago Intellectual Property Colloquium. Each year during the spring semester, Chicago-Kent and Loyola invite six nationally-renowned intellectual property scholars to Chicago to discuss their current research projects before intellectual property faculty from Chicago-area law schools and students from Chicago-Kent and Loyola. The topics typically provide students with exposure to a broad range of IP topics, both domestic and international and both theoretical and empirical.

Jan. 23, 2024: Jason Reinecke, Marquette University Law School, Our More-than-Twenty-Year Patent Term

Feb. 6, 2024: Amanda Levendowski, Georgetown Law Center, Open Source Perfume

Feb. 20, 2024: Mark D. Janis, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Design Patent Infringement as Unfair Competition

Mar. 19, 2024: Cathay Smith, University of Montana Blewett School of Law, Rewriting History: Copyright, Free Speech, & Reimagining Classic Works

Apr. 2, 2024: Oren Bracha, The University of Texas School of Law, The Work of Copyright in the Age of Machine Production

Apr. 16, 2024: Sonia Katyal, Berkeley Law School, Indigenous Misdescription