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Chicago-Kent Research Paper Series No. 5.4

The Chicago-Kent Research Paper Series (RPS) is an SSRN ejournal publication, distributed monthly, that highlights new abstracts, works in progress, and published articles by Chicago-Kent faculty.

The latest edition (5.4) of the RPS was distributed on April 16. This edition includes the following articles:

– From Roach Powder to Radical Humanism: Professor Derrick Bell’s ‘Critical’ Constitutional Pedagogy (Seattle U. L. Rev., forthcoming), by Vinay Harpalani

– Sentencing the Why of White Collar Crime (82 Fordham L. Rev., forthcoming), by Todd Haugh

– Why Broccoli? Limiting Principles and Popular Constitutionalism in the Health Care Decision (61 UCLA L. Rev., forthcoming), by Mark Rosen and Christopher Schmidt

– Beyond Notice and Choice: Privacy, Norms, and Consent (Suffolk U. J. High Tech. L., forthcoming), by Richard Warner (with Robert Sloan, UIC)

Click here to see the abstract page for the Series and to subscribe to the ejournal.

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