
The Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal welcomes submissions from academics and practitioners. All submissions will be reviewed through our double-blind peer review process, where members of the editorial board (a group of distinguished professors in the labor and employment law field) will review the anonymized submission and will make a recommendation as to whether the Journal should: (1) publish as is; (2) decline to publish; or (3) ask the author to revise and resubmit. We will make every effort to make the initial publication decision in about four weeks from the time of submission. If the author is asked to revise and resubmit, and chooses to do so, we will provide the author four weeks to make any suggested revisions. The revised submission will be sent back to the peer reviewers, who will make every effort to make the final publication decision in approximately two weeks from the time the revised submission is received.

Submissions can be of any length, should be in Word format, and should follow the citation format in the latest edition of the Bluebook. Because of the double-blind peer review process, submissions must be completely anonymized. Please do not include your name anywhere on the actual submission. Any citations to other scholarship you have authored must be redacted.

Submissions should be emailed as an attachment to Professor Nicole Porter at Because of the anonymized process, there is no need for a cover letter. However, make sure your email with the attached submission includes: your full name, your institution or organization affiliation, and the best way to reach you both by email and phone.

If we decide to publish your article, it will be cite checked by our student editors, whose suggested edits are then reviewed by our Managing Editor, a prominent labor and employment law professor. The Managing Editor and the Editor will provide final suggested edits to the author, at which point the author will review the suggested edits, and make any necessary changes before we publish the final formatted article on our Journal’s website. All published articles are also circulated to Westlaw, Lexis, and HeinOnline.

Please direct any questions about this process or general questions about the Journal to Professor Nicole Porter, the Editor of the Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal. We look forward to receiving your submissions.