Chief of Special Prosecutions (Ret.)
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
Edward Carter is a career white collar crime prosecutor, was an Assistant Illinois Attorney General, and Chief of the Attorney General’s Special Prosecutions Bureau. In that latter capacity he supervised the Financial Crimes Prosecution Unit and the Revenue Prosecutions Unit of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. Before being appointed Chief of Special Prosecutions, Mr. Carter was the Supervisor of the Financial Crimes Prosecution Unit where he prosecuted, and he supervised a staff of attorneys who prosecuted, a wide range economic crimes, including crimes such as bank fraud, securities and investment fraud, insurance fraud, and government program fraud. Prior to supervising the Financial Crimes Prosecution Unit, Mr. Carter was assigned to the Revenue Prosecution Unit of the Attorney General’s Office, where, using both direct and indirect methods of proof, he prosecuted criminal violations of various Illinois tax laws.
Mr. Carter’s significant prosecutions include the largest state Wire Fraud prosecution in Illinois history, the largest Motor Fuel Tax Fraud prosecution in Illinois history, the largest state prosecution in Illinois history of a scheme perpetrated by bank insiders to defraud both a bank and bank regulators, and after Illinois became a party to the International Fuel Tax Agreement, the first fraud prosecution brought in the United States under that agreement.
Mr. Carter served on the legal committee and its criminal law sub-committee for Operation Top Off 2, the U.S. Department of Justice’s week long simulation exercise about a bioterrorist attack on Chicago. Subsequently, he served on the committee that drafted legislation to amend Illinois’s public health laws to incorporate lessons learned from the Top Off 2 exercise.
Mr. Carter has lectured extensively in Eastern Europe about the investigation and prosecution of white collar crime and money laundering and is adjunct professor of law in Chicago Kent College of Law’s School of American Law.