Weekly Roundup – September 6, 2013

Did you miss your Supreme Court news this week? Let our Weekly Roundup help. (To stay on top of the latest Supreme Court happenings, follow ISCOTUS on Twitter.)

Learn the facts and arguments behind Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, coming up next at the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court Justices have not been silent on their summer breaks. Take a look at what five of the nine have said in public since the end of June.

Professor Sheldon Nahmod wrote on 1st Amendment retaliatory arrests after the 2012 Supreme Court decision in Reichle v. Howards.

Learn the ramifications of the last Supreme Court Term’s IP decisions and learn what IP cases are coming up next Term at the Supreme Court IP Review Conference.

Justice Sotomayor played judicial umpire as the judge in a reenactment of Flood v. Kuhn, a 1972 case on Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption.

An environmental case from the previous Supreme Court Term may end up having a different effect than was previously assumed.

Via SCOTUSblog, information on last week’s Supreme Court order list, including an update to McCutcheon v. FEC.

In a new post-DOMA development, the IRS says married gay couples can file joint tax returns.

Another new post-DOMA development: Federal judge orders VA to obey the Supreme Court on same-sex benefits.

Justice Ginsburg was the first Supreme Court justice to officiate a same-sex wedding.

Will Amazon head to the Supreme Court with their case against New York’s sales tax?

Supreme Court case update: ‘Baby Veronica’ to Stay With Birth Father for Now: Oklahoma High Court.