2024 Chicago IP Colloquium Speakers
Chicago-Kent College of Law and Loyola University Chicago School of Law jointly sponsor and host the Chicago Intellectual Property Colloquium. Each year during the spring semester, Chicago-Kent and Loyola invite six nationally-renowned intellectual property scholars to Chicago to discuss their current research projects before intellectual property faculty from Chicago-area law schools and students from Chicago-Kent and Loyola. The topics typically provide students with exposure to a broad range of IP topics, both domestic and international and both theoretical and empirical.
Jan. 23, 2024: Jason Reinecke, Marquette University Law School, Our More-than-Twenty-Year Patent Term
Feb. 6, 2024: Amanda Levendowski, Georgetown Law Center, Open Source Perfume
Feb. 20, 2024: Mark D. Janis, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Design Patent Infringement as Unfair Competition
Mar. 19, 2024: Cathay Smith, University of Montana Blewett School of Law, Rewriting History: Copyright, Free Speech, & Reimagining Classic Works
Apr. 2, 2024: Oren Bracha, The University of Texas School of Law, The Work of Copyright in the Age of Machine Production
Apr. 16, 2024: Sonia Katyal, Berkeley Law School, Indigenous Misdescription